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International Newsletter April 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends
In this newsletter I have included reports from two of our young leaders and members of Steiger’s ministry “Platform”. Platform is Steiger’s association of evangelistic artists that exists to train, equip and release Christian artists/musicians as missionaries to boldly use their God-given talent and platform to bring the love of Jesus outside the church culture.
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Report from the leader of the Steiger Platform band “Alegorica”
Alegorica playing in a club in São Paulo“Satan is here!”, screamed the lyrics of the song playing loudly through the PA as we set up for our concert. We were in São Paulo’s most renowned punk rock club.
Despite the heavy atmosphere we felt God was with us. As our message became clearer through our drama, people were drawn in. As we ended and I described God’s love for each person in that room and the meaning of Christ’s sacrifice, everyone in the club was completely silent.
As soon as we came down from the stage each band member was surrounded by people wanting to talk. One of the security guards came over to me and said “I’ve worked in this club for 10 years, and I’ve never heard a band talk about God!”
The lead singer of one of the other bands was deeply moved, as was his girlfriend. He explained that during that same morning he had told his girlfriend that he felt trapped in a cage, with no escape. So as soon as he saw our show talking about a cage and about how we can be free from it, his girlfriend broke down in tears and he described the hope he now felt.
Luke Greenwood
São Paulo, Steiger Brazil

Report from the leader of the Steiger Platform band “Cosmonaught”.
Cosmonaught concertIn February 2012, we put together a visual depiction of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and we will be presenting this for the first time at the Fine Line Music Cafe, a well known secular club in Minneapolis. We are praying that God moves and many lives are changed!
We are also organizing a festival called “Loud and Clear 2012” which will take place in Eden Prairie, MN on June 1st. The event will include two local bands, two national touring bands, a snowboarding exhibition and competition and all of this will culminate with a clear presentation of the Gospel by our band Cosmonaught with an invitation to respond.
Please pray that by God’s power many will give their lives to Jesus at Loud and Clear. We believe that this could be an annual outreach event and could have a tremendous impact on the Twin Cities and ultimately beyond.
Ben Pierce
Minneapolis, Steiger USA

Please continue to pray for the upcoming Steiger Radical Missions School in Krogis, Germany. We are expecting students & staff from Ukraine, England, Brazil, Chile, USA, Poland, Swaziland, and Germany. Pray that Jesus moves powerfully in the school and that many are called to bring the love of Jesus boldly all over the world. For more information about the school, go to www.steiger.org/rms
In the next newsletter I will give you updates on our preparations for evangelistic tours in the Middle East and Europe.
Thank you for your prayers and financial support that make it possible for Jesus to be proclaimed all over the world where He has never been proclaimed before!
David Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. Pray for the people being reached through “Alegorica” in São Paulo, Brazil. Pray for continued boldness to preach the gospel and for openings for the band to play.
  2. Pray for the Cosmonaught band as they present their new show. Pray for boldness and for a special anointing on them as they play. Pray also for the festival in Eden Prairie, USA on June 1st.
  3. Pray for Jodi Pierce and Luke Greenwood who are preparing for the Radical Missions School in Krögis, Germany this European summer. Pray for the potential young leaders from all over the world that will be attending the school.
  4. Pray for the NLM 2012 tour preparations. Pray for financial needs of the tour - that God will supply the US$122,000 needed to cover tour costs. Pray also for the preparation of all the band members, promoters and anyone involved in organizing the tour.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

No Longer Music Tour 2012

Taking the message of the cross to those who would never step foot into a church

This year (June - August), Steiger’s ministry “No Longer Music” will be doing an extensive evangelistic tour throughout the Middle East and Europe culminating in Steiger’s evangelistic music and art festival “Manifest” in Germany.
We expect thousands of cynical, disenfranchised young people to hear the message of the cross, encounter the real Jesus in a radical way and by God’s power, hundreds of them to surrender their lives to Him.

We need you!
The total tour budget is US$122,000. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us financially. Consider “adopting” a NLM team member (US$50 per day) or “sponsoring” a concert (US$2,000 per concert). A gift of any size will help us take the message of the cross to those who would never step foot into a church.
See www.steiger.org/nlmtour for more information or www.steiger.org/donate to make an online donation.

Exciting News! New Steiger Ministry Starting
We are starting a new Steiger ministry in Tauranga, New Zealand. If you are interested in being part of this, come to the vision meeting with David Pierce:
Friday 27 April at 19:30
18 Westwood St - Tauranga, New Zealand
Any enquiries to: bryce@steiger.org

Radical Missionary School - Krögis, GermanyLift Discipleship School

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International Newsletter May 2012
International Newsletter March 2012










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