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International Newsletter May 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends
“Kurdistan needs this band!” said a young Iraqi guy after our concert in Dohuk last summer. He was just one of the hundreds of university age young people who attended our NLM shows in Northern Iraq.
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No Longer Music Tour 2012He is an example of the “globalized Muslim youth”, a growing and significant demographic found throughout the Middle East. These young, educated, and highly influential secularized Muslims have become increasingly engaged in the global network of communication, music, art, and media. They are desperate for freedom and truth.

As a result, No Longer Music’s use of modern music and theater might be the most effective way to communicate the Gospel to them. Some of our local ministry partners after watching the response to our concerts in these hard core Muslim countries said that they have never seen such an effective way of presenting Jesus in the Middle East.

Watch a short summary video of the NLM concert in Dohuk, Iraq HERE.

In addition to the “globalized Muslim youth” in the Middle East, God continues to open up opportunities to reach the “secularized global youth” throughout Europe, South America and North America. The scope of the world-wide need is truly immense and we desperately need God’s guiding wisdom and power to respond to the vast opportunities God has given us.

David Pierce
No Longer Music Tour 2012Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. Pray for the NLM rehearsals in May. Pray that things go smoothly as we incorporate new ideas and visual effects into the show for our tour later this year.

  2. Pray for Robert Michalski who is the European NLM tour director and for David Wilson who is the Middle East NLM tour director. David Wilson will be traveling to Egypt in May and is hoping to organize NLM concerts there. Pray that God will give him favour with those he meets with.

  3. Pray for “Alegorica” (NLM Brazil) as they have concerts in Brazil, Chile, Germany, Finland and Northern Russia. Pray for God’s anointing and for boldness wherever they go. Pray also that God would provide the finances they need.

  4. Pray for Platform (Steiger’s Association of Evangelistic Artists). Pray that the right people would become involved and that we would be effective in training, equipping and releasing evangelistic artists all around the globe.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

No Longer Music Tour 2012

Taking the message of the cross to those who would never step foot into a church

This year (June - August), No Longer Music will be doing an extensive evangelistic tour throughout the Middle East and Europe culminating in Steiger’s evangelistic music and art festival “Manifest” in Germany (www.facebook.com/Manifest2K12).

The tour details are starting to take shape. At this point, we are planning to do evangelistic concerts in Poland, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Albania, Kosovo and possibly Macedonia. In the Middle East, we will be going back to Turkey and also looking at sending our NLM “Pioneering” Team to Lebanon, Egypt and Iraq later in the year.

The NLM “Pioneering” Team is a smaller (5 team members), more flexible version of the No Longer Music team that is better suited for going into new areas in order to establish future Steiger missionary teams. We believe that this will enhance our effectiveness, especially in sensitive areas in the Middle East.
Additionally, “Alegorica” (NLM Brazil) - which is led by Luke Greenwood - will be doing evangelistic tours in Brazil, Chile, Germany and Finland and Northern Russia.
If you are in the Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA) area, make sure you come to the NLM Send Off Show at 6:30pm on June 3rd at Grace Church in Eden Prairie.

We Need You! Please consider supporting the NLM tour. Go to www.steiger.org/nlmtour for more information.

No Longer Music Plans for the Future!
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” - Matthew 9:37

No Longer Music Tour 2012We continue to seek God’s direction for the future. In recent years, we have been working hard to multiply the ministry of No Longer Music.
In 2006, Steiger launched a key multiplication initiative known as “Platform” (Steiger’s Association of Evangelistic Artists), which exists to train, equip and release Christian artists/musicians as missionaries to boldly use their God-given talent and platform to proclaim the Gospel outside the church culture.

A key goal of the Platform is the replication and multiplication of No Longer Music. Specifically, we aim to establish 6 regional “No Longer Music” teams around the world.
In 2010, Steiger successfully established “No Longer Music – Brazil”, a separate NLM team led by Luke Greenwood which focuses primarily on evangelizing the secular youth culture in Brazil and surrounding South American countries.

This year, we are setting the foundation for the God-led goal of establishing two new separate NLM teams in 2013, one focused exclusively on Europe and the other focused exclusively on the Middle East. This will greatly increase our capacity to reach the “secularized global youth” in Europe and the “globalized Muslim youth” in the Middle East.
Please keep these plans in your prayers. We need God’s wisdom and guidance as we continue to grow.

Radical Missionary School - Krögis, GermanyLift Discipleship School

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International Newsletter June 2012
International Newsletter April 2012










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