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International Newsletter March 2012

David and Jodi PierceThis following is a report from Philip and Sari Shorey, the leaders of one of Steiger's international ministries - "The Suitcase Sideshow" - an evangelistic traveling marionette production:
“If this is for politics, let it be stopped, but if it is for God let it continue” a woman yelled but the police demanded that we shut down, despite her protests and we were forced to leave. We were in Istanbul, Turkey where there is supposed to be religious freedom.
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Suitcase Sideshow on the StreetsUndeterred we went back on to the streets again the next day and some of the same people that came to see us the first night were there the second night. The second night we were able to present the story of Jesus and His love without police interference and one guy gave his life to Jesus right there on the street!

We are blessed to be able to present God in many places around the world where people are hungry for truth. While we were in Istanbul we were able to train a local team of missionaries so there is now a "Turkish Suitcase Sideshow" spreading God's loving message on a regular basis on the streets of that city.


This is Angela Tkachenko's follow-up report to the work that was started in Ukraine after the Steiger school last summer:

Art Café, Sumy, UkraineThings are going really great in the art cafe in Sumy, Ukraine. Recently we celebrated 4 months since we started together. Every time we have up to 100 non-Christian young people coming to the cafe.

What is even more exciting is that more and more are coming for our Bible hour that happens right in between the 2 sessions of our art program. The Holy Spirit has really been moving in our meetings. For example, one girl was healed one night and it was a huge testimony to her friends that God is real. Pray that we know what the next step should be in reaching out to these young people. The main leaders of this work are Kiril, Julia, the two Nastyas and Alina who are graduates of the Steiger Radical Missions School in 2011.

Art Café, Sumy, UkraineIn April we will do our first Missions School in Sumy and we expect around 50 students. Aaron Pierce and Filip Pasek will be teaching in the school. Ten to fifteen of those who attend will be chosen to attend the Steiger Radical Missions School this summer (2012) in Krögis, Germany.

God is doing mighty things in Ukraine!

Angela Tkachenko
Sumy, Ukraine

These are some more examples of what God is doing around the world through Steiger. God is moving powerfully in the US, the Middle East, Europe and South America, and I can't express how much I appreciate your support.

I have just started my speaking tour in New Zealand. In my first meeting in Wellington, two young people in their early twenties stood up in and made first time decisions to surrender their lives to Jesus and many more were kneeling at the front of the church crying out to God for more of His broken heart for the world. Pray that God gives Jodi and I His heart and word for every place we go.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support and for lifting up our arms in the battle. Pray for our teams scattered around the world that they can be bold for Jesus.

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. David Pierce's book "Rock Priest" is now translated into Russian and will be ready for printing in 1 month. We only need US$2, 000 to be able to print 1000 books. Please consider if God would want you to help with this project. The book would be part of a program to train and release Russian speaking missionaries all over the former Soviet Union and other parts of the Russian speaking world.

  2. Pray for Sandro Baggio the leader of Steiger in Brazil and pastor of Projeto 242. Pray for God's protection on him and his family as they work in the heart of São Paulo, an enormous city with vast needs and challenges.

  3. Pray for Jodi Pierce and Luke Greenwood who are preparing for the Radical Missions School in Krögis, Germany this European summer. Pray for the potential young leaders from all over the world that will be attending the School.

  4. Pray for David (Spock) Mettler who is the pastor of the Steiger church in Karlsruhe, Germany. Pray that he can boldly lead the church and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray for Johannes Vorherr who has major leadership responsibility on the base in Karlsruhe and oversees the discipleship program.

  5. Continue to pray for Ben Pierce as he makes preparations for the No Longer Music tours later this year in the Middle East and Europe. Pray especially for wisdom about the best way to go back to Iraq and to organize a possible tour in Egypt.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

Van Needed – Steiger Brazil
Van Needed - Steiger BrazilSteiger Brazil urgently needs a van to support the ministries they have in São Paulo. These include Alegorica (the South American No Longer Music production) and for the Steiger Church (Projeto 242) to use in serving the local community and reaching out to the homeless and those involved in drugs and prostitution.

One donor has provided an initial ‘matching fund’ of USD 10,000. They need to raise twice this amount, so every dollar donated up to this amount will be matched by this fund. If you are able to contribute, donations should be made by March 30th (see donation details at the bottom of this page). For more information contact brasil@steiger.org.

Missionary Vacancies
We have many full time missionary vacancies all across the globe. Some examples of these are:

  • Administrators
  • Bookkeepers
  • Cook
  • Discipleship School Workers
  • Church workers
  • Building maintenance workers

For more information on specific vacancies, go to our website: www.steiger.org/vacancies.
Note that the completion of our Radical Missionary School is a requirement for all our missionaries. Also, all our missionaries raise their own financial support.
Please direct any enquiries to our international office (intoffice@steiger.org) or to the location you are most interested in.

No Longer Music Vacancies
In 2012, No Longer Music will be doing extensive evangelistic tours throughout Europe and the Middle East. We are looking for people to fill the following roles as part of the 2012 team (some roles may overlap):

  • Dancer (man)
  • Drummer
  • Bass Player
  • Technical Assistant

You would need to be available full time from May to the end of August 2012.
For more information on these vacancies, go to our website: www.steiger.org/nlm
Please direct any enquiries to Ben Pierce: ben@steiger.org.

David Pierce’s Australasian Speaking Tour
David is speaking in various locations in New Zealand and Australia from February until April.

Sun 4 Mar - Crossroads Community Church, Whangarei, NZ
Sun 11 Mar - Hillsborough Baptist Church, Auckland, NZ
Sun 18 Mar - North Porirua Baptist Church, Whitby, NZ
Sat 24 Mar - Rotorua Baptist, Rotorua, NZ
Sun 25 Mar - Bethlehem Baptist Church, Tauranga, NZ
Sun 1 Apr - Elim International Church, Wellington, NZ

You can find out more information by going to www.steiger.org/calendar.

Radical Missionary School - Krögis, GermanyLift Discipleship School

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International Newsletter April 2012
International Newsletter February 2012










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