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International Newsletter August 2010

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Andrew who is 24 was brought by his girlfriend to the No Longer Music Send Off show on July 23rd in Minneapolis, USA. Shortly after the concert began he started feeling “something welling up” inside him. Download pdf

Germany/PolandAs the concert progressed, the feeling started to get more and more intense. At the end of the concert when I invited people to stand if they needed to surrender their lives to Jesus for the first time, Andrew said the battle really began - voices inside him told him “this isn’t you” and “you’re not going to respond to this.” Despite these inner voices, he found himself standing up and walking to the front. He told Adam (our drummer) that he isn’t the kind of person to do something like this but it was as if God’s power helped him stand and come forward.

Andrew made a decision that night to give his life to Jesus. He is also excited about joining the weekly Bible Study group that the local Steiger team will start up again in September in Minneapolis when the tour is finished. He told Adam that many of his friends are into the Hip Hop scene and need to know about Jesus and he is anxious to learn how to reach them.

There is great power when you boldly lift up Jesus and the message of the Cross and I have seen God move powerfully in almost every kind of venue and situation over these last thirty years. The “Send Off Show” wasn’t even for non-Christians and still people came to Jesus! I was told the next day that a twenty year old girl that was brought by some friends also gave her life to Jesus that night.

Freakstock FestivalI also have experienced what a spiritual battle it is when you dare to present the message of the Cross in a clear and uncompromising way - especially in places where Jesus is never proclaimed. I have been spit on, threatened, mocked and laughed at. I have preached in the pouring rain in the mud, gone through sleepless nights, worked all day without any food and had boils appear on my face! I have faced tremendous opposition and have had to walk through fear for my team, myself and my family. Yet, I can honestly say that God has ALWAYS been faithful and I am so PRIVILEGED to be able to do this kind of ministry.

Please sign up for the 24 hour prayer chain!!! Join us in the battle. We will be proclaiming Jesus at a rock festival in Germany and large inner city parks, cultural centers, clubs and city squares in Poland. Pray for good weather for the outdoor concerts. Pray that thousands come to the concerts and that many (I am believing for thousands) fall on their knees and give their lives to Jesus. Pray for good health, unity in our team and boldness to proclaim the message of the Cross. Pray that our follow up meetings in Warsaw (Poland) and Krögis (Germany) are packed with people who want to know how to know God.
Thank you for your love and support.

For the lost,
David Pierce
Steiger International

Praying for people after the NLM Concert at FreakstockFollow the Tour:

Praise Reports!


  1. The “Send Off Show” as a tremendous success and just over US$30,000 was raised for the evangelistic European tour. All of the tour budget needs were met. Thank you to Bill & Ann Burgess and Aaron Pierce for working so hard on this event.
  2. God moved powerfully at the European Steiger Gathering that was held at our new center in Krögis, Germany in July. Fifty European Steiger missionaries and volunteers came for a weekend of teaching and seeking God together for future direction. Everyone left full of faith and vision for the future.
  3. Praise God that we have received 23,000 euros towards fixing the roof in Krögis!!

Prayer Needs

  1. The Suitcase Sideshow, led by Steiger Missionaries Phil & Sari Shorey, have seen many come to Jesus throughout Europe as they present Jesus in punk squats, under bridges in gypsy camps and city parks using marionettes and special effects. Pray for them as they continue their European Evangelistic tour. For more information check our website www.steiger.org and look up the Suitcase Sideshow.
  2. Pray for the remaining 27,000 euros to fix the roof in our new International Training Center in Krögis, Germany. Pray also for more workers for the renovations and to work on this amazing base.
  3. Pray for students for the Lift Discipleship School that will be starting in our International Training Center in Krögis in September.
  4. Pray that many people will respond to the Gospel and give their lives to Jesus during the No Longer Music tour in August.

International Training Center, Krögis, Germany

Earlier in the year we were able to purchase a large property in Krögis Germany for a fantastic price. This property will be a major catalyst for sending new evangelists, church planters and discipleship teams around the world to present the Gospel to people who would never otherwise hear about the love that Jesus has for them.
We have already had our first Radical Missions School there! However we need to urgently repair the roof. We have already received 23,000 euros! Praise God! We need another 27,000 euros to do this. Can you help us either financially or perhaps you can bring a team of workers to help (end of August-September)? Contact Michael on: sachsen@steigerdeutschland.de.

Steiger Discipleship Schools

Lift: 6 Sept 2010 - 30 Jan 2011, Krögis Germany
Fuel: 28 Feb - 12 Jun 2011, Karlsruhe Germany

Have you been thinking about a Discipleship School lately? We run Schools in Germany and the USA. Find more information on our website, under “Get Involved”.

Download PDFInternational A4 format Download PDFUS Letter format

International Newsletter September 2010
International Newsletter July 2010










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