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International Newsletter July 2010

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

The church you could see from our old apartment in Amsterdam was surrounded by houses of prostitution and sex shops and it was often closed on Sunday morning. Most nights you could see junkies shooting up heroin in the narrow alleyways by the church. Download pdf

Maybe that is why many Europeans are cynical toward Christianity. These images only reinforce the view that Christianity is a dead, empty religious tradition of the past. With less than 3% of Europeans going to church, an entire generation of young people are being destroyed. They are growing up in extreme spiritual poverty, never hearing the truth about Jesus. In terms of being reached with the Gospel, Europe is no better off than much of the Middle East.

That's why I am so excited about our upcoming No Longer Music Evangelistic Tour in Europe. Our evangelistic tour begins on July 31 at the “Freakstock Festival” in Germany. After Freakstock we will be doing a big national evangelistic tour in 9 major cities in Poland. Most of our evangelistic concerts will be held in large outdoor venues in central city squares or parks. We are also working with some ministry partners in Prague, Czech Republic to set up some potential concerts there. Our tour ends on August 23 at our new international headquarters in Krögis, Germany where we will have a follow-up weekend for those who prayed to receive Jesus on the tour. During this weekend they will receive more teaching on what it means to follow Jesus and have an opportunity to stay on for our discipleship school that starts in September.

During this European Evangelistic Tour many thousands of young people will have the opportunity to hear for the first time who the real Jesus is and I expect hundreds will give their lives to Him as a result.

YOU CAN FOLLOW THE TOUR BLOG AT: http://hereami.steiger.org

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty!Please pray for us as we prepare during the month of July for this upcoming tour. This year we are sending out two No Longer Music teams (one to South America and the other to Europe), so we are relying on a new generation of Steiger missionaries to fill key roles. Our “NLM – Europe” team is made up of people from Germany, Poland, Finland, England, New Zealand and the USA.
The theme/motto of this year’s tour is “Here am I, Send Me!”. It comes from Isaiah 6 and refers to the prophet Isaiah, who received a revelation of God’s holiness and saw in contrast how utterly depraved and dirty he and his people were. He was willing to go wherever and do whatever God asked in order to redeem His people. We want to have that same spirit of unconditional obedience.

No Longer Music's "Isaiah 6" Scene
The NLM “show” is a dramatic theatrical depiction of the story of Jesus, including a powerful crucifixion and resurrection scene, which is geared toward secular youth. The show uses a creative blend of live modern music, stage drama and other special effects (i.e. video projections and fire) to present a relevant, yet clear Gospel message.

No Longer Music at  the Slot Art FestivalThe show is always translated/interpreted into the native language so that the message is clear. After each show, the Gospel is shared from stage and an invitation to respond to the message is given. Afterwards, members of the band and local Christians talk to people who have responded and connect them to the local churches and follow up teams.

This evangelistic tour will occur in conjunction with the launching of Steiger’s new European International Headquarters and Training Center, which will dramatically increase Steiger’s organizational capacity by training, equipping and releasing new evangelists, church planters and discipleship teams throughout Europe and the world to reach the lost secular youth culture for Christ.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that make it possible for so many to hear for the first time that Jesus loves them.

For the lost.

David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International.

Prayer Needs

  1. Longer Music tour to Europe (see http://herami.steiger.org). We need around $30,000 to cover the costs of this tour.
  2. Pray for 50,000 euros to fix the roof in our new International Training Center in Krögis, Germany. Pray also for more workers for the renovations and to work in this amazing ministry.
  3. Pray for students for the Lift Discipleship School that will be held in our International Training Center in Krögis in September.
  4. Pray that many people will respond to the Gospel and give their lives to Jesus during the No Longer Music tour in July/August.
  5. Pray that God will provide the people that we need for the renovation of our new building in Krogis.

No Longer Music at    the Slot Art FestivalNLM Send Off Show

You are invited to the No Longer Music "Send Off" Show at 7pm on Friday 23 July at the Colin Powell Center (2924 4th AveS, Minneapolis, MN 55408, USA).

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn more about No Longer Music and see the completely revamped show - a dramatic theatrical depiction of the story of Jesus geared toward secular youth – prior to their evangelistic tour to Europe.

Steiger International  Training Center in Krögis, GermanyInternational Training Center, Krögis, Germany

Earlier in the year we were able to purchase a large property in Krögis Germany for a fantastic price. This property will be a major catalyst for sending new evangelists, church planters and discipleship teams around the world to present the Gospel to people who would never otherwise hear about the love that Jesus has for them.
We have already had our first Radical Missions School there! However we need to urgently repair the roof. We need 50,000 euros to do this. Can you help us either financially or perhaps you can bring a team of workers to help? Please pray that God will provide this money and the workers to do the renovations.

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International Newsletter August 2010
International Newsletter June 2010










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