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International Newsletter September 2010

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

"DJ Satan" played music after our concert in a night club called "Klub Madness" in Wroclaw, Poland and the club lived up to its name! The stage was very small, but somehow we managed to creatively fit all our gear on to it. Download pdf

Rybnik CrowdThe show was chaotic, filled with broken guitars, falling curtains and action confined to very small spaces. The small club - which was so hot we were drenched in sweat before the show even started - was completely packed with people. They were engaged in the show and drawn into the story. Afterwards, David preached a very strong message and invited people to respond by coming out to the parking lot. Many people followed us out and 50 people prayed out loud to receive Jesus. The band and the local Christian support team talked to these people and many others who had not responded. I talked to a guy named Wojtek who did not respond but was touched by the show and wanted to talk about it. He said that he had seen a lot of negative and hypocritical things in religion and that though he wanted to believe in God, he wasn't interested in empty "tradition" and would only believe in God if he had a "physical sign". I told him that I appreciated his sincerity and that I too was not interested in a powerless religious tradition, but that Jesus was real and powerful. He agreed to let me pray for him and I asked that God would reveal himself to him in the coming days. Please pray for Wojtek.

Response after the concert in RybnikMore than 800 people prayed to receive Jesus after the concerts during the NO LONGER MUSIC TOUR. From the reports that I have received so far, the follow-up meetings in most cities were very successful. For example in Warsaw they hardly could fit all the people in the club they had rented for the follow up meetings. Churches worked together who had never worked together before and it has brought new vision and faith into many of the believers throughout Poland.

A complete report with pictures and video will be available soon, but here are just a few highlights.

We were playing on an outdoor stage in the center of a college campus in a city called Rybnik. Around 400-500 alternative punk/metal young people showed up. They were very energetic and very engaged in the concert, which also included some mocking. After the concert, David preached against the dead religion that so many people associated with Jesus. He talked about a Jesus of power and invited those who were sick of the emptiness to respond. Around 155 knelt in response to the message, 220 (including the band and local Christian follow up team) held hands in a large circle. It was an amazing response. There were MANY conversations. It was VERY encouraging. Pray for the local team and their ongoing follow up efforts.

Praying for people after one of the concerts On another night, we had an outdoor concert in an area surrounded by abandoned buildings near the center of Szcecin, Poland. Over 500 people came to the concert, which was very well organized by a group of local churches. The crowd was about as engaged in the show as you could possibly be and afterward around 50 responded to the message. Mitchell - a NLM team member - was able to talk to a group of young guys who were very excited about the concert. They described themselves as agnostics, but they said that the concert really made them think and they were open to learning more. Please pray that they stay connected to the local church.

God has been doing so many amazing things during the tour. We will give more detail in the next newsletter. Thank you for your prayers and support! It would not have been possible without it!

Aaron Pierce

Follow the Tour:

Prayer Needs

  1. Pray that the churches are able to disciple the hundreds of people who prayed to receive Jesus after the No Longer Music Evangelistic tour in Germany and Poland.
  2. Please pray for the team repairing the roof at our International Center in Krögis, Germany. Pray for good weather and that lots of skilled people come to help with this big project. Also pray for the remaining 22,000 Euro's to come in to cover the costs.
  3. Please pray for Jodi and David as they begin an extensive speaking tour in the USA this September. They will be speaking in festivals, universities and churches. You can find out where they will be by looking at schedules on www.steiger.org.
  4. Pray for all the Steiger missionaries scattered around the world that they can boldly proclaim the love of Jesus.

Steiger Conference 2010

We are pleased to invite you to be our guest at the 2nd annual Steiger International Conference, which will take place on October 16, 2010 at Berean Baptist Church in Burnsville, Minnesota.
The purpose of the conference is to provide a broad view of Steiger’s impact around the world and to share our vision for the future. Steiger leaders and missionaries from around the world (including David and Jodi Pierce, Sandro Baggio from Brazil, Luke Greenwood from Brazil, Michael Sengle from Germany and more!) will be speaking at the conference.
The event is FREE and includes a lunch provided by the Steiger board of directors. Registration is required. Please RSVP as soon as possible. This can be done by sending an email to Aaron Pierce at aaron@steiger.org. Please include your name, contact information, and number of attendees.

Radical Missionary School
18 June - 27 August 2011, Krögis Germany
Radical Missionary School
Is God calling you to the mission field? Do you have a heart to reach and disciple the global youth culture for Christ? Are you ready to take the next step? Apply for our Radical Missionary School.
This school is for students who are firm in their faith and are interested in being equipped to work with Steiger International (or one of our partners) in the areas of evangelistic art/music, foreign missions, administrative support, discipleship or church planting and more. Download an application pack from our website or contact intoffice@steiger.org for more information.


A weekend of seeking God and hearing from Him with Jodi Pierce
12-14 November 2010
Krögis, Germany
For more information email: ic@steiger.org

David & Jodi Pierce US Speaking Tour

September - October 2010
David and Jodi Pierce will be speaking in various locations through the USA in September and October. Check out our web page - www.steiger.org - under “Calendar” for more information to see when they will be near you. Email Aaron for more information on aaron@steiger.org.

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International Newsletter October 2010
International Newsletter August 2010










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