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International Newsletter August 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

It has been an amazing month! As I write this, we're back in Krögis, Germany after a very intense No Longer Music tour to Ukraine and Poland. In Ukraine, we had 6 concerts in 4 cities and in Poland, we had 10 concerts in 10 different cities. Download pdf

NLM at the Slot Art FestivalIt was physically, emotionally and spiritually tiring, but also extremely rewarding. We've been able to bring the Gospel to tens of thousands of young people and literally hundreds have responded by receiving Jesus!

Our "embedded journalist", Dale, has been working tirelessly on videos showcasing each concert. Go to www.vimeo.com/steigerint to see these videos. You will be encouraged by them!

Probably the most personally challenging and rewarding portion of the tour is when we did two concerts in two separate prisons in Poland within 24 hours - all without my dad, David. We decided that I would lead the NLM team while he spoke at a church and led a follow up meeting in Warsaw, which meant that I would play the role of Jesus and do the preaching afterwards. This was a daunting task!

NLM performing in a Polish prisonThe first concert was held in a small room filled with over 100 prisoners. As the concert was going on, the actions of the prisoners were heavily influenced by one prisoner. We later found out that he was a former gang leader and major leader within the prison.

We did not have our full arsenal of props and effects, so after I was "killed" during the crucifixion scene, they threw a blanket on me. Then during the resurrection scene, I just jumped up and began to preach.

I told them that the most natural thing in the world is to have a relationship with God, but because of the evil in the world and in our own hearts, we have lost that relationship. I explained that Jesus paid the price for our sins, so that we could be reconciled to Him. Then, I invited those who wanted to have a personal relationship with Jesus to kneel and pray with me.

There was some hesitation, but then the former gang leader kneeled and soon 31 men in total were kneeling. I led them in a prayer and invited them to attend a new weekly bible study that was starting after our concert. It was so encouraging to be used by God in this way.

David speaking in Krögis, GermanyThe last concert in Poland took place on the main stage of the SLOT Art Festival. The SLOT Art Festival is a annual event held in Lubiaz, Poland on the property of a 17th century palace, with the main stage being in the central courtyard. It began after a No Longer Tour in the early 90's and is run by Polish Christians, but draws a big non-Christian crowd of alternative youth from all over Europe.

Many people responded to the message of Christ after our show at The SLOT Art Festival. Around 300 or so piled into a large hallway just off the courtyard, where there was praying, weeping, and incredible joy. Amongst those who responded was the son of one of the most famous musicians in Poland.

Thank you for being such an important part of making this possible. Many people have found Jesus as result of your financial and prayer support!

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce

Prayer Needs

  1. Steiger KrögisOn July 19th, the No Longer Music team left for their evangelistic tour to Iraq, Turkey, Kosovo and Bulgaria. Please keep the team in your prayers! Pray specifically for wisdom as we navigate difficult situations, boldness in the proclamation of the Gospel, safety and health and that God would draw many people into a relationship with Him!

  2. Pray for the Radical Missionary School students and leaders. Pray for God to guide the students from all over the world as they seek Him for their future and that they receive a part of God’s broken heart for the world.

  3. Please pray for the “Escape The Rat Cage Festival” in August. Pray for financial provision so that many people will come and hear about Jesus and be strengthened in their faith.

  4. Pray for more office workers for the many vacancies we have at present. More information can be found on our website under “Get Involved”

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

Follow the Tour

Jodi Pierce teaching in Krögis, GermanyCheck out the many ways in which you can follow the latest news, prayer requests, pictures, videos, testimonies, blogs, twitter updates and more related to the 2011 NLM Tour.
Blog: www.steiger.org/nlmtour
Facebook: www.facebook.com/steigerint
Twitter: www.twitter.com/steigerint
Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/steigerint

Report from the Steiger Radical Missions School, Krogis, Germany

The staff and students in Steiger's Radical Missions School come from England, Brazil, Swaziland, Poland, Germany, USA, Ukraine and Nigeria. It is great to have such a international school full of passionate potential young missionaries. God is moving powerfully in the school and many students feel God is calling them to work with Steiger somewhere in the world when the school is finished.

The school had an amazing time at the SLOT Art Festival and they saw around 40 people give their lives to Jesus in just one afternoon. Pray that God continues to be with Jodi Pierce and Luke & Anja Greenwood as they lead the school and prepare for the second evangelistic tour to Croatia and Polish Wood Stock in a few weeks.

2011 Escape The Rat Cage Festival
Krögis, Germany

Escape The Rat Cage Festival 2011

This August, Steiger International is taking a new step of faith and launching a 3 day music and arts festival called "Escape the Ratcage" to be held at our new complex in Krögis, Germany.

The vision of the festival is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to lost young people from all over Europe in a fresh, relevant way and to remain bold and uncompromising. There will be 30 top bands and speakers from all over the world, including David Pierce, Martin Dreyer and Brian "Head" Welch (former member of the band Korn).

Since the exclusive purpose of the festival is to reach people for Jesus, we have decided to make it free to attend. So, in order for this festival to be a reality, we need people who will partner with us in prayer and finances.

We need to raise an additional 16,500 Euros by August 15. Please prayerfully consider making a donation today and partnering with us in our effort to bring the Gospel to people who are only hearing lies.

Go to http://www.steiger.org/escapetheratcage for more information about the festival and how you can support it through prayer and finances!

SAVE THE DATE: November 11 & 12
Steiger International Conference, Minneapolis, USA

Don't miss this unique opportunity to be immersed in the world of Steiger International. Be challenged and inspired by David Pierce's "evangelistic artists" seminar and encounter God in a contemplative "Seeking God" seminar with Jodi Pierce, meet and interact with people who found Jesus through Steiger, learn about Steiger's exciting vision for the future and much more!

You can RSVP for the Steiger Conference online at www.steiger.org/conference

Steiger Discipleship Schools

Shift: 6 Sept 2011- 2 Dec 2011, USA
Lift: 5 Sept 2011 - 29 Jan 2012, Germany
Have you been thinking about a Discipleship School lately? We run Schools in Germany and the USA. Find more information on our website, under "Get Involved”.

Volunteers Needed!

In August we will be losing our office worker in Karlsruhe. We desperately need regular volunteers in our offices: in the Steiger Germany office (accounting, communication, organization), in the International Office (creating/sending info letters, advertisement materials, and communication, also in English) and in Krögis (organization, accounting, communication) and in São Paulo (organization, communication, short term missions coordination, etc).
We are also looking for people who would be willing to financially support Steiger office workers. We need more organization and better communication. We need more people who are gifted at working in these areas. Please pray with us about this.

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International Newsletter September 2011
International Newsletter July 2011










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