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International Newsletter September 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

To say that our Middle East tour was miraculous would be an understatement. Here is only one example. Download pdf

NLM Tour

Our fourth concert in Turkey was in a coastal town called Managav, which is near the city of Antalya. There are approximately half a million people in this city and there is no known Christian church in the entire city and only a handful of believers.

NLM Tour - Slot Art FestivalOur concert promoter told us before the concert that there is a lot of political tension between the Turkish population and the Kurdish people, who have come into the area for work. We were told that our show could provoke a violent reaction and that they didn't want us to preach afterwards or use the name of Jesus. Just say "God" - I was told. To make matters worse we discovered that we were the opening band for the city-wide Ramadan festivities (Ramadan is a month-long Islamic fast) and that the mayor, other cities officials and a local television station would be in attendance! David Wilson - our Turkish ministry partner and Middle East advisor - said that in 30 years of ministry, he had never experienced something like this and that he wasn't sure how we should proceed.

I went for a walk in the city and cried out to God before the concert, and asked for wisdom on how to handle the situation. While I was praying Jesus reminded me how I told Him just a few days earlier that I would never deny Him. I knew that this was a test. Would I be willing to pay the price to see the name of Jesus lifted up in this Muslim stronghold? I prayed "Jesus, I told you that I would not deny you so I'm not going to. Whatever happens is up to you but I refuse to just say God."

Slot Art FestivalI asked my sons Ben and Aaron and the rest of the No Longer Music team what they thought and they all agreed - we would say the name of Jesus, no matter what the consequences. It was definitely a "Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego" moment, where we chose not to deny God (bow down to the idol) whether God protected us from the fiery furnace or not (see Daniel 3:16-18).

As the concert started, well over 500 people gathered. A television camera crew was getting shots of the show and the crowd's reaction. After demonstrating the message of the cross on stage I ended the show with my usual speech, stating clearly that Jesus is the answer and supreme over all. I pronounced the name of Jesus clearly and loudly and it was translated for all to hear.

The reaction from the crowd was unbelievable. We were not attacked as some feared, but instead the crowd was clapping and cheering in spite of the fact that we had just publicly proclaimed the name of Jesus during the Ramadan festivities! We invited those who wanted to know more about our message to sign up for our No Longer Music "Fan Club" - which is a Turkish Bible Correspondence Course. Many people rushed the response table. 101 people signed up, including the mayor's son who was given an evangelistic DVD.

Slot Art FestivalAfter the concert the Mayor and his son wanted a picture taken with me and he presented the band with flowers in a ceremony that was covered by the local media and television. There were a few people who responded negatively, but by and large, it was a positive reaction.

We saw similar reactions in Iraq, Kosovo and Bulgaria. Iraq is SO open to us (I will give more details in my next newsletter). In many of the cities we performed in, we were told that it was the first time that the name of Jesus was proclaimed in such a public way. The big challenge before us now is what to do next. Pray that God gives us His plan.

On September 15, Jodi and I will be traveling to Beirut, Lebanon to do another MTV Lebanon interview which goes out live all over Lebanon and 14 Arabic countries. I have been given the opportunity to speak on whatever I want so I told the program director that I am going to talk about "Jesus, rock & roll and power." During the live interview I am going to talk about how I have seen Jesus move and change people's lives in clubs and festivals around the world. Please pray for God's anointing on this incredible opportunity to present Jesus in the Arab speaking world.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that made it possible for Jesus to be lifted up so boldly in the Middle East and around the world.

For the Lost,
David Pierce
No Longer Music
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. Praise God for the thousands of people who heard about Jesus - many for the first time - over the last few months through No Longer Music. Pray for those who gave their hearts to Jesus - that they would connect well with the local follow-up efforts and get involved in a good church.

  2. Praise God for the Radical Missionary School that has just finished. The students have now scattered to their various parts of the world. Pray for courage and wisdom as many of them take new steps into ministry.

  3. Praise God that the “Escape The Rat Cage Festival” went well and for the many people who learned more about Jesus through the bands, workshops and speakers.

  4. There is a team of New Zealanders currently in our International Center in Krögis, Germany helping with renovations. Pray for protection for them as they are doing a lot of building, painting, general renovations etc. Pray that God will bless them for their help.
  5. Pray for the Lift Discipleship School students that will be heading to Karlsruhe, Germany on Monday 5 September. Pray for the leaders in Karlsruhe as they prepare for the School and also for the students - that they will open their hearts to receive what God has for them.

If you would like to receive a weekly email, that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

School and Festival Update

Radical Missionary School - Krögis, GermanyThe Steiger Radical Missionary School in Krogis, Germany ended with the "Escape the Ratcage Festival" which was a huge success. Many people came from all over Europe and God moved powerfully in many lives. One guy who gave his life to Jesus during the festival told me that it was the best three days of his life. Many of the students in the Steiger Radical Missionary School are now preparing to become full time missionaries and join Steiger somewhere in the world.

"Ruined for the Ordinary"
November 11 and 12
Minneapolis, MN (USA)

Join us for the 3rd Annual Steiger Conference. You will have the opportunity to experience the world of Steiger. There will be workshops and seminars, international guests, worship and opportunities to learn more and get involved in Steiger International. You will be inspired, equipped and challenged to live the radical life God has called you to!

More details will be available soon. Go to www.steiger.org/conference to register.

Steiger International Center
Krögis, Germany

Steiger KrögisOur International Center in Krögis, Germany (near Dresden) has been a hive of activity. There have been retreats, festivals, schools, workshops, exhibitions and much more over the last year.
To be able to utilise it to its fullest potential, there is still a significant amount of renovation to be done.
Are you interested in bringing a renovation team or even to come on your own? Skills needed include plumbing, electrical work, building, roofing, plastering, painting, brick laying, tilers, general workers/labourers etc. Contact us at shortterm@steiger.org

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International Newsletter October 2011
International Newsletter August 2011










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