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International Newsletter July 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

We arrived at the Ukrainian/Polish border only to be told that we had to drive to another border. Robert, our polish promoter, thought that the police may have been looking for a bribe. So after an all-night drive on crazy roads we arrived at another border where we carried, by hand, all of our personal gear and band equipment in the pouring rain from the Ukrainian border to the Polish border. Download pdf

Crowd at No Longer Music concertExhausted we finally arrived in Krakow, Poland. We had to leave Aaron and Andrew behind in Lutsk, Ukraine because our van was broken and being repaired. The next day we played in the middle of Krakow University on a beautiful summer night and about one-thousand students watched the performance.
After I preached, I invited people who wanted a real relation-ship with Jesus to join hands with us and nearly 400 students formed a circle in the middle of the university square and prayed with us while others watched from there dorm windows. It was an amazing night and our Polish tour was just beginning!

Crowd at No Longer Music concertGod also moved powerfully during our Ukrainian tour. For example in Zaporozhye, again a crowd of around 1000 people came. It was arranged by Ira, a twenty year old Ukrainian girl who is now attending our Radical Missionary School in Krögis, Germany.
After the concert about 100 people knelt to receive Jesus while the police harassed us and told us we couldn’t pray with people. The local church was forced to pay off corrupt city officials because they threatened to cut the electricity. Undeterred, the radical pastor in that city wants to organize an even bigger concert next year!!

Crowd at No Longer Music concertIn Kiev we played in The Lenin Club - the biggest underground club in the city. Lenin is a dark club with sadomasochistic images, tattoo parlors and two hard core stages. The club owner, along with 15 others, prayed to receive Jesus into their lives while we were there.
These are only a few examples of what God has done so far on the No Longer Music Evangelistic tour and follow-up efforts continue in every city. For more detailed reports go to:

No Longer Music Tour

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that make it possible for the love of Jesus to be proclaimed to so many.

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce

Steiger KrögisInvitation to the Dedication of the new Center for Steiger International
16 July 2011 @ 15:00
Celebration Service with Walter Heidenreich @ 18:00

Am Park 6-8, 01665 Käbschütztal-Krögis
Tel. +49 035244 469922 Fax +49 035244 469924
email: ic@steiger.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Prayer Needs

  1. Please continue to pray for the NLM tour. Pray for good weather for the outdoor shows, for Gods anointing on the preaching afterwards and that many hundreds give their lives to Jesus. Pray also for protection from sickness, accidents and breakdowns. Finally please pray for team unity and boldness to use every opportunity that God gives us.
  2. Pray for the Radical Missionary School that has started. Pray for the leaders - Jodi, Luke & Anja and their team. Pray for God to guide the students from all over the world as they seek Him for their future and that they receive a part of God’s broken heart for the world.
  3. Please pray for the Krögis property dedication on July 16th. Pray that God moves powerfully!!
  4. Pray for more office workers for the many vacancies we have at present. More information can be found on our website under “Get Involved”

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

Volunteers Needed!

In August we will be losing our office worker in Karlsruhe. We desperately need regular volunteers in our offices: in the Steiger Germany office (accounting, communication, organization), in the International Office (creating/sending info letters, advertisement materials, and communication, also in English) and in Krögis (organization, accounting, communication) and in São Paulo (organization, communication, short term missions coordination, etc).
We are also looking for people who would be willing to financially support Steiger office workers. We need more organization and better communication. We need more people who are gifted at working in these areas. Please pray with us about this.

Follow the Tour

Check out the many ways in which you can follow the latest news, prayer requests, pictures, videos, testimonies, blogs, twitter updates and more related to the 2011 NLM Tour.
Blog: www.steiger.org/nlmtour
Facebook: www.facebook.com/steigerint
Twitter: www.twitter.com/steigerint
Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/steigerint

No Longer Music 24 Hour Prayer Chain

We still need people to join our No Longer Music 24-hour prayer chain. Our goal is to have at least one person praying for No Longer Music every hour of every day during the tour (June 1 – August 23).
Please send your name and contact information to nlmsupport@steiger.org to receive regular prayer requests during the tour. Include the day and hour that you will commit to pray every week.
“I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.” - Romans 15:30

Shift Discipleship SchoolSteiger Discipleship Schools


6 Sept 2011 - 30 Mar 2012, USA

5 Sept 2011 - 29 Jan 2012, Karlsruhe, Germany

Have you been thinking about a Discipleship School lately? We run Schools in Germany and the USA. Find more information on our website, under “Get Involved”.

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International Newsletter August 2011
International Newsletter June 2011










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