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International Newsletter December 2010

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

On Saturday November 20th in Beirut, Lebanon, I did a live interview on a popular program on MTV Lebanon and millions of people saw it all over Lebanon and the Arab world. The program director told me that it reaches the educated young and trendy 15-30 year old demographic. Many I talked to in Lebanon said that war could break out again any day, which I think made it even more significant. Download pdf

David Pierce on MTV LebanonThe interview was supposed to be 10 minutes, but ended up being 15 minutes long. I was able to clearly explain who Jesus is and that He is not about hate, but love - something that needs to be said in the Middle East. You can watch the MTV Lebanon program on this link: www.steiger.org/mtvlebanon

The 4 minute interview that Aaron and I recorded with Brian Head Welch was shown during the interview and it made the message VERY clear. They are interested in a big Brian Head Welch and No Longer Music show next year.
After the interview I was able to pray with the director of programming in the parking lot of the studio and he was incredibly moved. He is a very cool guy and I look forward to spending more time with him in the future.

David Pierce in BrazilSo it was REALLY a miraculous time and I clearly felt your prayers. A member of a local church in Beirut told me that they have been praying for this to happen for years and that this is a direct answer to prayer. SO PRAISE JESUS!!!
Millions all over the Arab world heard that Jesus is about love and not hate because of your prayers and financial support.

Other News:
New Steiger works are being formed in Chile and Ukraine. God is opening new doors in Russia, Middle East, USA and Europe. The Brazilian team in São Paulo is growing and major opportunities to present Jesus are opening all over Brazil.

Speaking Tour with Jodi PierceJodi and I are continuing on with our speaking tour. I can not exaggerate how powerfully Jesus has been moving in the various parts of the world where we have been. It’s also been so exciting to spend time with our Steiger Missionaries around the world and see how dedicated they are to seeing lost people find out that God loves them.
Please continue to pray for God to give us His strength. We have an extremely full schedule and we both need God’s power and anointing. You can find our speaking schedules on the Steiger website (click here).
In the January newsletter, I will give you an overview and report on what is happening in Steiger around the world.

Have a great Christmas!

For the lost,
David Pierce
Steiger International


No Longer Music Opportunities

No Longer Music 2010In 2011, the No Longer Music European team will be doing extensive evangelistic tours throughout Europe and the Middle East.

The NLM “show” is a dramatic theatrical depiction of the story of Jesus, including a powerful crucifixion and resurrection scene, which is geared towards secular youth. The show uses a creative blend of live modern music, stage drama and other special effects (i.e. video projections and fire) to present a relevant, yet clear Gospel message.

We are looking for people to fill the following roles as part of the 2011 "No Longer Music - Europe" team (some roles may overlap):

  • Actor
  • Vj (live video)
  • Videographer
  • Dancer
  • Keyboardist/Reason/Ableton Live

Time commitment: May - August 2011
Cost: Approximately US$2000

Contact Ben Pierce at ben@steiger.org if you are interested.

Prayer Needs

  1. Please pray for David & Jodi Pierce as they have their last week of their speaking tour in Germany before heading back to New Zealand via meetings in Singapore and India.
  2. Pray for Luke Greenwood who is in Chile meeting with people who are interested in starting a Steiger work in Santiago including a Chilean No Longer Music.
  3. Please pray for Steve and Lori, Robert & Aga, and Filip & Agnieszka as they seek God about how to respond to all the opportunities Steiger has in Poland.
  4. Pray for the new opportunities God has opened up for us in Ukraine and Russia and also for wisdom for the next steps.
  5. Pray for wisdom for how to follow up on what God is already doing through Steiger in Lebanon.
  6. Pray for Marcin and Gosia Kobylec who are currently living in London while preparing to move to Lebanon as Steiger Missionaries.
  7. Pray that the lives of the LIFT Discipleship Students in Krögis, Germany will really be impacted by God and that they will have open hearts for all that He wants to teach them. Pray also for wisdom and anointing for the school teachers and leaders.
  8. Pray for all our Missionaries and Workers throughout the world as we head into the Christmas season. Many are far away from family, so please pray that God would be with them.

Fuel Discipleship Training School


28 Feb - 12 June 2011
Karlsruhe Germany
Three and a half months of filling up on what you need to live a Christian life.

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Radical Missionary School
18 June - 20 August 2011, Krögis Germany

Radical Missionary School

Is God calling you to the mission field? Do you have a heart to reach and disciple the global youth culture for Christ? Are you ready to take the next step? Apply for our Radical Missionary School.
This school is for students who are firm in their faith and are interested in being equipped to work with Steiger International (or one of our partners) in the areas of evangelistic art/music, foreign missions, administrative support, discipleship or church planting and more.

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International Newsletter January 2011
International Newsletter November 2010










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