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International Newsletter November 2010

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Jyad is credited with bringing rock music to the Middle East and I met him during our first tour in Lebanon in 2008. He is the CEO of a multi-media and broadcasting conglomerate in Lebanon that includes MTV, a network of top radio stations (including the #1 radio station among the young demographic), Virgin Megastores (70% of the market share), recording and art studios, and an event production company. His company organizes most of the concerts and festivals for western bands in Lebanon. Download pdf

Jyad being interviewedHe came with one of his daughters to a No Longer Music show that he arranged for us in a parking lot outside of one of his music stores in the center of Beirut. After the concert I was able to pray with him and his daughter and we have since become friends.

The last time I was in Beirut, Jyad invited me to come back and do a 20 minute interview on MTV Lebanon. He has given me complete freedom to talk openly about Jesus. This is obviously a VERY unique opportunity. November 20th has been set as the date for this interview. It will be translated into Arabic and broadcast all over the Middle East and the internet. This is an incredible opportunity to present who the real Jesus is to a part of the world that has been so deeply hurt by religion.

To prepare for this interview, Aaron and I traveled to Nashville a few weeks ago to record an interview with Brian "Head" Welch - the former guitarist of a popular non-Christian band called "Korn". During the interview Brian explains how Jesus dramatically transformed his life and that Jesus is powerful enough to help anyone who cries out to him with an honest heart. The plan is to show this recording during my interview on MTV because heavy metal is very popular in Lebanon and music and Brian's testimony could be a powerful tool for the Gospel amongst young people there. After Brian's interview, I will explain that this is who the real Jesus is and that he loves the people of Lebanon.

Pray that God protects this opportunity to proclaim the Gospel through this MTV program and that many doors open to proclaim Jesus in this desperate part of the world.

Other News
Jodi and I have just finished our speaking tour in the States and God really moved powerfully. Hundreds made decisions to follow Jesus more radically and many made first time decisions to follow Jesus as well. Our Steiger conference was also hugely successful and we are full of faith and vision for how God is leading our mission to increased levels of faith and commitment to preach the message of the cross in the darkest corners of society.

In late October, Jodi and I spent time with our ministry base in São Paulo, Brazil where we met with Steiger leaders and had several speaking engagements. A lot of great things are happening there, including the formation of a new "No Longer Music" team led by Steiger missionary Luke Greenwood. This team, which is modeled on No Longer Music's philosophy of using music, theater and art to boldly preach the message of the cross in the darkest corners of society, will begin touring Brazil and other parts of South America next year. "No Longer Music - Brazil" is a key step in Steiger's multiplication effort. During this time we also travelled to Santiago, Chile to discuss the possibility of establishing a new Steiger base in that city.

Speaking TourOn November 1st Jodi and I fly from São Paulo to Frankfurt, Germany to begin an extensive speaking tour in Poland, Ukraine and Germany that ends on December 5. This is going to be a very intense time, so please keep us in your prayers. For example, in Poland, I am speaking 22 times in 10 days in 9 different cities, including 12 evangelistic artists seminar sessions, 4 evangelistic preaching events, 2 church services, a youth conference and a prison. Please pray for strength, energy, health and, above all, that God's power and anointing will be on my words.
For regular updates, prayer requests on all things Steiger, go to our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/steigerint.

Thank you so much for your support and prayers!!

For the lost,
David Pierce
Steiger International

News from Turkey:

Our partner ministry Turkish Asian Creative Outreach (TACO) based in Istanbul, has just finished a two month tour in Turkey. Working with Dustin Kelm, a world champion unicylist, they had anywhere from 300-1500 people coming to 17 evangelistic shows in shopping malls, city squares and parks along the western and southern edge of the country, ending in Diyarbakir. The Gospel was clearly shared from the stage and 600 people asked to receive a Bible Correspondence Courses. If you want to know more about how you can be involved in supporting the work in Turkey contact Wilson at: wavedilson@gmail.com.

Praise and Prayer Needs

Praise God that the Steiger Conference and the Elders, Board and Missionary meetings went really well last month.

  1. Please pray for David & Jodi Pierce’s intensive speaking tour in Poland, the Ukraine and Germany in November.
  2. Pray also for David as he does a 20 minute interview on Lebanese MTV on November 20th. Pray for the right word and for God’s anointing and power as he speaks.
  3. Pray for Jodi as she has meetings throughout Germany, including a Contemplative Retreat in Krögis from 12-14 November. She will also be travelling with David to the Ukraine.
  4. Pray that the lives of the LIFT Discipleship Students in Krögis, Germany will really be impacted by God and that they will have open hearts for all that He wants to teach them. Pray also for wisdom and anointing for the school teachers and leaders.

100 x $100 Campaign

This is an extremely exciting time for us at Steiger!

Over the last few years, God has opened new doors and we've seen many young people find Jesus in some of the darkest corners of secular society. In order to be good stewards of all the opportunities God has given us, we have increased our effort to train, equip and release the next generation of Steiger missionaries who will boldly bring the Gospel to secular youth culture around the world.

As we continue grow, so do our expenses and the complexity to support and take care of our missionaries and ministries. As a result of all of this growth, we need to see an increase in our general fund giving. That is why we are doing a special campaign. We need 100 partners to make a special one-off gift of $100 (in addition to your regular giving). This support is vital for our continued effort to reach lost secular youth for Christ.

Will you prayerfully consider being one of the $100 partners today?

You can make the $100 donation online at: www.steiger.org/donate

Fuel Discipleship Training School


28 Feb - 12 June 2011
Karlsruhe Germany
Three and a half months of filling up on what you need to live a Christian life.

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Radical Missionary School
18 June - 20 August 2011, Krögis Germany

Radical Missionary School

Is God calling you to the mission field? Do you have a heart to reach and disciple the global youth culture for Christ? Are you ready to take the next step? Apply for our Radical Missionary School.
This school is for students who are firm in their faith and are interested in being equipped to work with Steiger International (or one of our partners) in the areas of evangelistic art/music, foreign missions, administrative support, discipleship or church planting and more.

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International Newsletter December 2010
International Newsletter October 2010










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