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International Newsletter January 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Radek is considered to be an intellectual and leader among the radical left wing political scene in Poland. He meets with other intellectuals in a club called "Rebel" in Krakow, Poland. This is a club that he started to discuss ways to change society and how to emulate revolutionaries like Che Guevara. Download pdf

David PierceWhen he heard that I was going to be in Poland on a speaking tour in November, he invited Martijn Krale to play in his club and me to speak. His only request was that people would have the opportunity to challenge my views and discuss them.

The small smoke filled club was packed with people when we arrived. After Martijn did his acoustic set, I stepped on the small stage and preached. I talked about the lies we are told about our significance and how we are not a result of some cosmic explosion. I spoke about how we were created by a passionate God who sent Jesus, His only son, to show us that God cares about the injustice in the world. I then explained how Jesus died because of that injustice and our sins and how Jesus defeated the death sentence over our lives when He rose from the dead.

I was anticipating that people would shout at me or maybe throw a beer bottle or something but everyone really listened. Afterwards I had a very good conversation with Radek. He told me that he had been following No Longer Music for years. I asked him why he invited me to speak, because I knew that his beliefs were totally different than mine. He told me that even though he doesn't agree with my views he respected me because I wasn't afraid to take a stand and speak boldly about what I believed.

I gave him a Polish copy of my book "Escaping from the Ratcage" and he is going to email me his views about the book so we can discuss it. I hope to go back to the Rebel club later this year to meet with him again.

SteigerIn 2010 Steiger missionaries were able to proclaim the love of Jesus where the truth about God is rarely heard - from cynical university students in Europe and clubs in America, orphans and gypsies in Romania, to heroin junkies on the wealthy streets of Switzerland. A team from Steiger was able to proclaim the love of Jesus at a large pagan festival in the United States where we have been going for more than 10 years.

Millions more heard that Jesus is about love and not hate on a major television station "MTV Lebanon" that was broadcast all over the Arab world. The message of the cross was lifted up in São Paulo, Brazil and plans are underway for a new Steiger work in Chile and Ukraine.

Young leaders and potential missionaries from 6 countries attended our first Radical Missions School at our new training center in Krögis, Germany and we had our first annual "Rat Cage Weekend" in Krögis for young people who wanted to know more about Jesus.

Jodi and I want to thank you for your support of this ministry. We are grateful for your prayers and financial support and expect God to do even greater things in 2011. Jesus said the harvest is plentiful and that's why we expect a great harvest in 2011 all over the world.

Thank you for your part in bringing the love of Jesus to so many!

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. Please pray that God leads us as we finalize plans for evangelistic efforts in different parts of the world. Please pray that we know what our priorities should be and how to respond to the open doors that God has given us.
  2. Pray for Jodi as she assembles the school team for the Radical Missionary School in Krögis, Germany. We are expecting 70-100 students from all over the world.
  3. Pray for the 40 Ukrainians preparing to come to the Radical Missionary School in Krögis, Germany later this year. We need to find sponsors for them.
  4. Pray for protection over our Steiger missionaries scattered all over the world, that they will be bold and courageous as they proclaim the love of Jesus.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steger.org

Steiger International
2010 Ministry Highlights

click to see larger image2010 No Longer Music Tour
In August, the No Longer Music "Europe" team did 13 concerts in 13 cities in Germany and Poland. Over 800 young people responded to the Gospel.

International Steiger Center
In March, Steiger acquired a large property in Krögis, Germany (near Dresden) to serve as Steiger's International Headquarters and Training Center.
This headquarters, led by Michael Sengle, will dramatically increase Steiger’s organizational capacity by training, equipping and releasing new evangelists, church planters and discipleship teams around the world to reach the lost secular youth culture for Christ.

Twin Cities, USA
“Cosmonaught” – an evangelistic band led by Ben Pierce conducted 12 concerts throughout the Twin Cities.

Suitcase Sideshow - European Tour
In 2010, the Suitcase Sideshow, an evangelistic travelling marionette show run by Phil and Sari Shorey, did a six-month tour (April – September) of Europe. They did 85 shows in eleven countries and recorded the show into seven languages.

In May, Steiger held an extensive evangelistic artists seminar in Sumy, Ukraine. 500 young people from all over the country attended. 40 Ukrainian students have been selected to attend Steiger’s Radical Missions School in 2011.

On November 20th, David Pierce did a live 15-minute interview on "MTV Lebanon". Millions of people all over Lebanon and other parts of the Arab world watched the show!

Santiago, Chile
A new Steiger base is in the process of being established. David and Jodi Pierce and Luke Greenwood met with 50 leaders/pastors in Santiago and plans are underway to establish "NLM-Chile" and a "mini" Radical Missions School in 2011.

Steiger Brazil
Luke Greenwood established NLM Alegorica – a separate “No Longer Music” team that focuses on evangelizing the secular youth culture in Brazil and surrounding South American countries.

New Zealand and Australia
David Pierce did an extensive speaking tour throughout New Zealand and Australia in February and March.

Steiger's Activity in 2010


28 Feb - 12 June 2011
Karlsruhe Germany
Three and a half months of filling up on what you need to live a Christian life.
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Radical Missionary School
18 June - 20 August 2011, Krögis Germany

Radical Missionary School

Is God calling you to the mission field? Do you have a heart to reach and disciple the global youth culture for Christ? Are you ready to take the next step? Apply for our Radical Missionary School.
This school is for students who are firm in their faith and are interested in being equipped to work with Steiger International (or one of our partners) in the areas of evangelistic art/music, foreign missions, administrative support, discipleship or church planting and more.
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International Newsletter February 2011
International Newsletter December 2010










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