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International Newsletter December 2011

Dear Friends,

2011 has been a great year at Steiger. We’ve seen God working all over the world, including Ukraine, Poland, Iraq, Turkey, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Germany, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, Australia and the USA. By God’s power, we’ve seen hundreds respond to Christ!
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Cosmonaught playing in Florida, USA
Bible Study in Brazil
Alegorica playing in a club in São Paulo, Brazil
Evangelistic Art Café in Sumy, Ukraine
Conversations at the Evangelistic Art Café, Ukraine
Band in the Evangelistic Art Café, Ukraine

Radical Missionary School - Krögis, Germany

As 2011 draws to a close, please prayerfully consider Steiger in your year-end giving. Please seek God on whether He has called you to a renewed commitment to Steiger and our shared effort to bring the love of Jesus to the darkest corners of society.

Report from USA

During “The Fest” in Gainesville, Florida (the largest Punk Rock festival in America) we played in a city park that was also being used by “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrators. Aaron Pierce was able to lead one of the demonstrators to Christ after the concert and many more heard a clear message about Jesus.
“Cosmonaught” played in a club called “Naughty Mel’s” and a young guy in the club was healed of an ear infection. He wept as the Holy Spirit revealed God’s love to him after our concert. David Pierce spoke in a local church and God moved powerfully in the meeting and we are praying about how we can bring Jesus to this festival again in the future.

Ben Pierce
Steiger Minneapolis

Report from Brazil

The air was heavy with intoxicating cannabis smoke but we knew we needed to be there. Through the music and drama we demonstrate how Jesus defeated death.
At the climax of the performance my body is suspended 2 meters from the floor to show the crucifixion. After a moment of silence, I stood up demonstrating the resurrection.
As the crowd stared attentively I explained how Jesus walked with people, lived among them and loved them. He was violently murdered by corrupt politicians and envious religious leaders. But he defeated death, and he could defeat the death in their life. Then we invited people to our weekly Bible study, and many were interested.

Luke Greenwood
Steiger Brazil

Report from Ukraine

All of the Steiger Radical Missionary School graduates can truly say that their lives have been transformed after the school. As proof of this, we already have started new projects that were birthed in us during the Steiger school.
At the end of September we launched an Evangelistic Art-Café in Sumy, Ukraine. Every Friday we have up to 100 young people (non-Christians) coming to our Café. We have prayed with many young people who are hungry for God. We believe these young people are future missionaries for Ukraine and Europe!
In a town called Zaporozhie, a club was started after the No Longer Music tour this summer and many bands and young people are being reached for Jesus.

Angela Tkachenko
Former Radical Missionary School student and leader in Ukraine

Praise & Prayer Requests

  • Praise God for all the people that have been reached with the gospel through Steiger’s efforts around the world in 2011.
  • We give thanks to God for the continued financial and prayer support from thousands of people around the world. Pray that this will continue and increase in 2012.
  • Pray for our missionaries around the world - that they will continue to have courage and boldness to preach the gospel and to disciple those that give their hearts to the Lord.
  • Pray for our Discipleship School students in Germany - that they will continue to learn and hear from God.

If you would like to receive a weekly email, that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

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International Newsletter January 2012
International Newsletter November 2011










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