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International Newsletter November 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

“The Fest” on October 28-30 in Gainesville, Florida is one of the biggest punk rock festivals in America. The first one took place on May 24th and 25th of 2002 and was thought to have gone down in history as the drunkest and rowdiest time ever to be had in Gainesville and it has grown in size and reputation ever since.
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Crowd at This year the organizers expect thousands of alternative young people from all over America and hundreds more from the UK, Japan, Germany, France, Australia, and
South Africa. They describe it as “three days of carnage.”

Cosmonaught, an evangelistic Steiger band led by Ben Pierce, will be playing during the Festival on October 28 in a club and No Longer Music will be performing twice
on October 29th in a large outdoor amphitheater in the most central part of the town.

According to the festival organizers, thousands of punks and other alternative young people will be in the center of the city when we play. What a privilege to bring the love of Jesus to an event like this! We have been working hard alongside our local church partners to prepare for these concerts and I expect many to come to Jesus. I will give you a full report in the next newsletter.

CosmonaughtOn November 4-11 the Steiger board, international leaders and missionaries are coming from all over the world to seek God together and plan for the next year. In Steiger, we are overwhelmed by the doors that God has opened for us to bring the love of Jesus to many who have never had the chance to hear the truth.

In the Middle East, we have incredible opportunities as well as incredible challenges. We really need wisdom on how we should proceed in Iraq, Turkey. Lebanon and Kosovo. Because of the “Arab Spring”, we have an enormous window to preach the Gospel where its never been preached before.

Other amazing doors have opened for us in Europe, America and South America.

Steiger workers seeking God at a previous GatheringPray that God guides our time together and that the plans we make are God’s plans. I don’t want to waste time on things that are not what God wants for us.

We will also be having a Steiger Conference at the Fine Line Café in Minneapolis on November 12th followed by a seminar on 10 principles that will revolutionize the Christian Music Scene that I will lead with my sons Aaron and Ben. That same evening there will be a No Longer Music Concert.

Thank you for holding up our arms in the battle.

For the Lost,
David Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. Please pray for God’s direction and wisdom during Steiger’s leadership meetings in Minneapolis on Nov 6 - 11.

  2. Pray that many Christian artists will come to “The Narrow Road” seminar and be challenged to boldly proclaim the love of Jesus outside of the church.

  3. Pray that many will come to the “Ruined for the Ordinary” Conference and receive God’s broken heart for the lost.

  4. Pray for our Discipleship students in Germany - that they will continue to learn and hear from God.

If you would like to receive a weekly email, that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

2011 Steiger "Ruined for the Ordinary" Conference
Live the radical life God has called you to!

2011 Steiger

“Ruined for the Ordinary”
Join us for Steiger’s 3rd Annual International Conference entitled “Ruined for the Ordinary”. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to be exposed to the world of Steiger International! There will be international speakers and guests, worship, seminars and opportunities to learn more and get involved in Steiger International. You will be inspired and challenged to live the radical life God has called you to!
The conference will take place at the Fine Line Music Cafe - a music venue typical of where Steiger does outreach.

RSVP online at www.steiger.org/conference
Saturday, November 12, 9am - 2:30pm
Fine Line Music Café
318 First Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55401

“The Narrow Road”
10 Principles That Will Revolutionize Christian Music

The world is desperate for the Truth!
Are you passionate about reaching the lost for Christ?
Music and other forms of art are some of the most effective tools for reaching the lost.
Don’t miss this unique chance to learn biblical principles for using music and art to share the Gospel in a relevant, yet bold and uncompromising way in the secular world.

Fine Line Music Café (Minneapolis)
3pm – 6pm, Saturday November 12, 2011
*Followed by a No Longer Music concert

You can attend all three events, or just one or two - it's up to you!

RSVP online at www.steiger.org/conference or call +1 413 667 3471

Radical Missionary School - Krögis, Germany
Radical Missionary School 2012
June 16 - August 21
Apply Now!

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International Newsletter December 2011
International Newsletter October 2011










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