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International Newsletter January 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

"It has become more dangerous lately", Sandro told Jodi and I as we were leaving one of our sessions at the Brazilian Steiger School. "Someone else was robbed at gun point in a parking lot used by the church just a few weeks ago." Download pdf

Projeto 242 in São Paulo, BrazilSandro Baggio is the leader of Steiger Brazil and pastor of the Steiger Church "Projeto 242" in the heart of São Paulo, Brazil. He told us that criminal gangs smash car windows and rob people while they wait at red lights just a couple of blocks from the church.

We were in São Paulo to teach at a two-week "mini" Steiger School designed to introduce young people from Brazil to radical missions and to Steiger International. The crazy violence of the city combined with the horrendous traffic was not a deterrent for those hungry for more of God. In fact some of the students fought traffic for more than 3 hours every night to get there!

Many of those who came want to attend the Steiger Radical Missionary School this summer in Krögis, Germany. What a privilege to work with such passionate young men and women who want to follow Jesus in such an uncompromising way. We believe God wants us to send out radical young missionaries from Brazil to other South American countries, the USA, Europe and the Middle East.

Plans are already underway to have another "mini" Steiger School in São Paulo, Brazil in 2012.

David Pierce speakingIn December we also had our first mini Steiger School in Santiago, Chile. Among those attending was a Chilean team that has a vision to plant churches in the inner city among the alternative artistic community. Jodi and I taught in the school along with Steiger missionary Luke Greenwood and God moved powerfully. In the sessions we prayed personally with those who attended, asking that God would give them His direction and heart.

I was also able to spend time with Cocke, who gave his life to Jesus after a No Longer Music Concert in Santiago 5 years ago. He was my translator. God has done amazing things in Cocke's life. He and his family are also planning on attending our Radical Missionary School in Germany this coming summer. He is a very powerful young evangelist and I believe God will use him to bring many to Jesus in Chile.

No Longer Music
As I write this our teams are preparing for evangelistic tours with No Longer Music later this year in Iraq, Kosovo, Turkey, Poland and Germany. We are considering other opportunities in Lebanon, Portugal, Spain, Holland and the Czech Republic.

Could you please lift all these preparations in prayer? Personally, I have a real burden for the Middle East and I really want to go back to Iraq. There was such an unbelievable openness for the Gospel when we were there but we face many challenges. It is not easy to organize tours there. So pray that God keeps this door open and that we can go back to Iraq this summer. Click here to see one of our shows in Iraq last August.

No Longer MusicThank you for your prayers and support that make it possible for so many thousands around the world to hear, for the first time, that Jesus loves them.

For the lost
David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. Pray for the protection of all the people attending Projeto 242 - the Steiger church in São Paulo, Brazil.
  2. Pray for the people from Brazil and Chile who want to attend our Radical Missionary School in June this year. Pray that God will provide the finances for them and for favor from their employers.
  3. Pray for those in Santiago, Chile who have a vision to plant churches in the inner city. Pray for God’s direction and wisdom.
  4. Pray for wisdom for the many opportunities NLM has this year. Pray for God’s direction about which opportunities to take and which to let go. Pray for open doors into Iraq again.
  5. Pray for our Discipleship School students in Germany who are in their last month of the School. Pray for wisdom and direction for them as they begin to make decisions about what they should do after they finish at the end of January.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

Missionary Vacancies
We have many full time missionary vacancies all across the globe. Some examples of these are:

  • Administrators
  • Bookkeepers
  • Cook
  • Discipleship School Workers
  • Church workers
  • Building maintenance workers

For more information on specific vacancies, go to our website: www.steiger.org/vacancies.
Note that the completion of our Radical Missionary School is a requirement for all our missionaries. Also, all our missionaries raise their own financial support.
Please direct any enquiries to our international office (intoffice@steiger.org) or to the location you are most interested in.

No Longer Music Vacancies
In 2012, No Longer Music will be doing extensive evangelistic tours throughout Europe and the Middle East. We are looking for people to fill the following roles as part of the 2012 team (some roles may overlap):

  • Dancer (man)
  • Drummer
  • Bass Player
  • Technical Assistant

You would need to be available full time from May to the end of August 2012.
For more information on these vacancies, go to our website: www.steiger.org/nlm
Please direct any enquiries to Ben Pierce: ben@steiger.org.

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International Newsletter February 2012
International Newsletter December 2011










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