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International Newsletter February 2012

David and Jodi PierceIt was in 2006 when a worker from Steiger International made a connection with me at the Freakstock Music Festival in Germany and prayed with me. Two years later David Pierce was preaching in my church in Brazil. After he spoke he came to me and said: “I think God wants you and your band to come to our Steiger Radical Missions School.” Download pdf

Mike Vieira PreachingI accepted the challenge to be there and it was a life changing time for me. God dealt with many areas in my life and taught me how to seek God in a radical way.
When I arrived back in Brazil I started to review everything I had learned in Steiger and I continued to spend one day a week “seeking God” which was something I learned during the school. During this time I felt like God wanted me to start a Bible study at a skate park in Curitiba, Brazil where I live.

When I started the Bible study I used one of David Pierce’s books - “Dancing with Skinheads (and other Bible study topics)” - and took a chapter from the book for each meeting. In the beginning I had two skaters coming but in a few weeks there were 20. This really started to scare me. Today more than 200 people are coming!!

I call our Bible study “Project 180°”. God has been with us in such a miraculous way that it has transformed the whole region. In fact, one of the most famous TV channels in Brazil did a interview with us because so many famous artists and skaters are beginning to attend the meetings and most of them are now off drugs and their lives have been transformed.

The place where we have the Bible study is in one of the most dangerous corners in the city and one night a policemen came because he saw everyone and thought it was a meeting place for people using drugs. When he arrived he asked me, “Where are the drugs?” but when he saw my Bible he apologized. The policeman so felt God’s presence during our meeting that he himself is now attending our Bible study.

Mike being interviewedGod continues to do many amazing things every week and I am so grateful to God for what I have learned in Steiger. Luke Greenwood has invited me to be on the Steiger school staff at this years’ Radical Missions School in Germany and I hope to bring my future wife and a team from Curitiba to the school as well.

Mike Vieira
Curitiba, Brazil

This is just one testimony of the amazing things God is doing through Steiger around the world. Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support that make it possible for Jesus to be proclaimed throughout the world.

David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. Project 180Please pray for our Polish leaders that are meeting in Krögis, Germany on February 24-26. Pray that God will move powerfully as they seek Him for guidance in all that we are doing in Poland.
  2. Please pray for preparations for our upcoming evangelistic tours in the Middle East later this year. Pray for wisdom about possible tours in Iraq, Kosovo, Lebanon, Turkey and Egypt. Pray for Aaron Pierce and David Wilson from Istanbul, Turkey as they prepare for these tours.
  3. Pray for Robert Michalski as he is directing the No Longer Music evangelistic tours in Europe this year. Pray that God shows him how the tours should be organized so that they can reach the most people for Jesus.
  4. Please pray for new ministry opportunities in Holland, Czech Republic and Spain. All three of these countries are huge mission fields and Jesus is opening amazing opportunities for the Gospel for us.
  5. Pray for David Pierce’s speaking tour in Australia and New Zealand that begins in February, that God gives him His heart and anointing when he preaches.
  6. Pray that our workers scattered around the world can boldly proclaim the love of Jesus.
  7. Pray for Bryce and Kate Gilmor as they move back to New Zealand, relocate the Steiger International Office to Tauranga and establish a new Steiger work there.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

Missionary Vacancies
We have many full time missionary vacancies all across the globe. Some examples of these are:

  • Administrators
  • Bookkeepers
  • Cook
  • Discipleship School Workers
  • Church workers
  • Building maintenance workers

For more information on specific vacancies, go to our website: www.steiger.org/vacancies.
Note that the completion of our Radical Missionary School is a requirement for all our missionaries. Also, all our missionaries raise their own financial support.
Please direct any enquiries to our international office (intoffice@steiger.org) or to the location you are most interested in.

No Longer Music Vacancies
In 2012, No Longer Music will be doing extensive evangelistic tours throughout Europe and the Middle East. We are looking for people to fill the following roles as part of the 2012 team (some roles may overlap):

  • Dancer (man)
  • Drummer
  • Bass Player
  • Technical Assistant

You would need to be available full time from May to the end of August 2012.
For more information on these vacancies, go to our website: www.steiger.org/nlm
Please direct any enquiries to Ben Pierce: ben@steiger.org.

David Pierce’s Australasian Speaking Tour
David is speaking in various locations in New Zealand and Australia from February until April.

Sun 12 Feb - The Rock, Wellington, NZ
Mon20 Feb - The Link, Narrabeen, NSW, AU

21-24 Feb - YWAM DTS, Newcastle, NSW, AU
Sun 26 Feb - Winsdor Park Baptist, Auckland, NZ
Sun 4 Mar - Crossroads Community Church, Whangarei, NZ
Sun 11 Mar - Hillsborough Baptist Church, Auckland, NZ
Sun 18 Mar - North Porirua Baptist Church, Whitby, NZ
Sat 24 Mar - Rotorua Baptist, Rotorua, NZ
Sun 25 Mar - Bethlehem Baptist Church, Tauranga, NZ
Sun 1 Apr - Elim International Church, Wellington, NZ

You can find out more information by going to www.steiger.org/calendar.

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International Newsletter March 2012
International Newsletter January 2012










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