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International Newsletter October 2010

Aaron and Jennifer PierceDear Friends,

Sarah* was a devout Catholic. She was so committed that she went on a pilgrimage to Palestine and was planning to become a nun. But it all changed when she was the victim of some terrible sins against her within the church. Download pdf

Hanging Out at the Rat Cage WeekendShe was deeply hurt and grew disillusioned with the church and God - unable to understand why God would allow her to experience these terrible things. Later she got married, but that soon fell apart when her husband told her that he didn't love her anymore. She contemplated suicide on many occasions.

By chance, she came to our evangelistic concert in Chorzow, Poland. There she met and really connected with Leah and Chris from the NLM team. They invited her to come to our "Escaping the Rat cage" weekend at Steiger's new Center in Krogis, Germany. This weekend was hosted by the No Longer Music team and served as a follow up to the tour in Germany and Poland.

Though skeptical about anything to do with God, she came. She showed up late Friday night with two other girls who were not Christians either. Even though she was there, she still kept her walls up. She didn't want to come to the first worship/teaching session on Saturday morning - a session in which David Pierce gave a message on God's unchanging love for us. Jennifer - an NLM team member - was finally able to convince her to come in about halfway through the sermon.

Praying at the Rat Cage WeekendBut slowly things began to change. Sarah spent hours talking to Leah and others in the NLM team during our late night bonfire on Saturday night. The next morning, I casually asked Sarah how she was doing. "I feel great!" she said. "I haven't felt this way in a long time."

Surprised, I asked if she meant physically. "No, I mean psychologically, spiritually, everything! I have hope for the future. I can't believe I'm saying this! She went on to say that she felt safe here and that she was open to God for the first time in a long time. This was a remarkable transformation! At our last worship and teaching session, Sarah was fully engaged. Clearly God had touched her. So much so that she asked about attending Steiger's LIFT discipleship school in Krögis, Germany this fall, a 5 month discipleship school that is designed to provide a broad foundation for a lifetime of following Jesus.

Sarah's story is just one example of what God did during this "Escaping the Rat Cage" weekend. Fifty five people from all over Poland and Germany came (not including the 20 NLM team members and staff) and roughly 10-15 more came for the concert on Saturday night. There were people there at all stages of their walk with God, but all were challenged to live radical lives surrendered to Jesus.

The response after David spoke at Crown University, USAThank you for your prayers and support that make it possible for so many hurt and broken young people around the world to hear how much Jesus loves them.

For the lost
Aaron Pierce

* Name has been changed

Prayer Needs

Praise God! God has been moving powerfully during David & Jodi Pierce's speaking tour in the States. Hundreds have come forward in the meetings to rededicate their lives to Jesus and others to give their lives to Jesus for the first time. Thank you for your prayers!

  1. Please pray for David & Jodi Pierce as they continue on with their speaking tour in the US and South America. From October 1-20 they are speaking in universities and churches in Minnesota, Kansas, South Dakota and Massachusetts. (USA) On Sept 30th, Jodi will be speaking at Smith College and on October 2 she will be leading a spiritual retreat called "The prodigal daughter".
  2. David will also be giving a Radical Evangelism Seminar on October 2 at North Central University in Minneapolis. Pray that God moves powerfully in all these meetings.
  3. From October 20 to November 1st David & Jodi will be traveling to Brazil and Chile to meet with Steiger leaders in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Santiago, Chile. Pray that God really guides this important time in South America! (for more information about where they are speaking in October look at calendars on www.steiger.org)
  4. Please pray for the upcoming Steiger Board and Elders meeting from the 9-15 of October in Minneapolis, USA. Steiger leaders from the USA, Brazil, New Zealand, Turkey and Germany will be coming to seek God together about future direction for our mission. Please pray that God moves powerfully in our meetings as we seek Him together.
  5. Pray for the Steiger Conference that will be held at Berean Baptist in Burnsville, Minnesota (USA) on Saturday October 16.

100 x $100 Campaign

This is an extremely exciting time for us at Steiger!

Over the last few years, God has opened new doors and we've seen many young people find Jesus in some of the darkest corners of secular society. In order to be good stewards of all the opportunities God has given us, we have increased our effort to train, equip and release the next generation of Steiger missionaries who will boldly bring the Gospel to secular youth culture around the world.

As we continue grow, so do our expenses and the complexity to support and take care of our missionaries and ministries. As a result of all of this growth, we need to see an increase in our general fund giving. That is why we are doing a special campaign. We need 100 partners to make a special one-off gift of $100 (in addition to your regular giving). This support is vital for our continued effort to reach lost secular youth for Christ.

Will you prayerfully consider being one of the $100 partners today?

You can make the $100 donation online at: www.steiger.org/donate

Fuel Discipleship Training School


28 Feb - 12 June 2011
Karlsruhe Germany
Three and a half months of filling up on what you need to live a Christian life.
Check out our website for more information or email us on fuel@steigerdeutschland.de
(This is the same text as before)
Radical Missionary School
18 June - 27 August 2011, Krögis Germany

Is God calling you to the mission field? Do you have a heart to reach and disciple the global youth culture for Christ? Are you ready to take the next step? Apply for our Radical Missionary School.
This school is for students who are firm in their faith and are interested in being equipped to work with Steiger International (or one of our partners) in the areas of evangelistic art/music, foreign missions, administrative support, discipleship or church planting and more. Download an application pack from our website or contact rms@steiger.org for more information.

Radical Missionary School
18 June - 27 August 2011, Krögis Germany

Radical Missionary School

Is God calling you to the mission field? Do you have a heart to reach and disciple the global youth culture for Christ? Are you ready to take the next step? Apply for our Radical Missionary School.
This school is for students who are firm in their faith and are interested in being equipped to work with Steiger International (or one of our partners) in the areas of evangelistic art/music, foreign missions, administrative support, discipleship or church planting and more. Download an application pack from our website or contact intoffice@steiger.org for more information.

Steiger Conference 2010

On behalf of David and Jodi Pierce, we are pleased to invite you to be our guest at the 2nd annual Steiger International Conference, which will take place on Saturday, October 16, 2010 (10am - 3pm) at Berean Baptist Church in Burnsville, Minnesota.

Don't miss this opportunity. You will be inspired, challenged and encouraged to hear about what God is doing all over the world!

The purpose of the conference is to provide a broad view of Steiger’s impact on the global youth culture and to share our vision for the future.

Steiger leaders and missionaries from around the world will be speaking in person, including
* David and Jodi Pierce
* Sandro Baggio from Brazil
* Luke Greenwood from Brazil
* Michael Sengle from Germany
* Bryce Gilmor from New Zealand
* And local Steiger missionaries.

The event is FREE and includes a lunch provided by the Steiger board of directors.

Register online at: www.steiger.org/conference

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International Newsletter November 2010
International Newsletter September 2010










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