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International Newsletter October 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

No Longer Music was in Dohuk, Iraq - a Kurdish city near the Turkish border and less than 45 minutes from Mosul - one of the most dangerous places in all of Iraq. Download pdf

NLM performing in IraqThe concert was held in a large outdoor theme park called "Dream City". We were set up on a big stage next to the big roller coaster - which made for a hilarious and surreal scene.

The local church partners we were working with had no experience with public proclamation and they were nervous and afraid. So it was decided that we would not translate the show in to Kurdish.

As we prayed together before the concert, we asked God that we could be an encouragement to the church and perhaps challenge them to be bolder in their faith.

There were many young western-dressed people all over the park. The crowd that gathered (well over 600+ people) was very engaged and they absolutely LOVED the show. They were pressed up against the stage, clapping, cheering and shouting in response to everything we did.

This crowd, as with the other concerts in Iraq, was a good illustration of the rapid growth of the "global youth culture" here in Iraq. The missionaries we were working with said that we came to Iraq at the right time. The country is changing and people are more and more ready for this, including the church. It would not have been possible a few years ago.

When our local Christians partners saw how well our concert was received, they were encouraged and grew bolder. They came to me early on in the concert and said that they now wanted to translate the drama part of the show! The only translator they had was a Muslim, but he was willing to do it. So, the part of our concert in which we tell the story of Jesus, we had a Muslim man translating it into Kurdish. Afterwards, he came up to Kenny - our keyboardist - and said that he felt a power in our message and he was confident that he was able to communicate it well. Praise the Lord!

We spent at least an hour after the concerts talking to people and taking pictures with them. It really was an amazing night! This was one of 4 concerts we did in Iraq, with similar results at the others.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that made it possible for Jesus to be lifted up so boldly in the Middle East and around the world.

For the Lost,
David Pierce
No Longer Music
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. Please pray for God's direction and wisdom during Steiger's leadership meetings in Minneapolis on Nov 6 - 11.

  2. On Saturday, October 29, No Longer Music will be doing a concert at "The Fest" - the largest punk festival in the USA - in Gainesville, Florida. We are working with local church partners to reach the thousands of punks that gather in the city every year for this festival.

  3. Pray for the planning process of the Steiger "Ruined For The Ordinary" Conference and "Evangelistic Artists Seminar" held at the Fine Line Music Cafe in Minneapolis, MN on November 12.

  4. Pray for the No Longer Music concert at the Fine Line Music Cafe on November 12.

  5. Praise the Lord that David had the opportunity to CLEARLY proclaim the name of Jesus on "MTV Lebanon" on Sunday, September 18 2011.

If you would like to receive a weekly email, that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

Steiger in the Middle East

MTV Lebanon

David Pierce on MTV LebanonFor the second consecutive year, David Pierce had the opportunity to CLEARLY proclaim the name of Jesus on "MTV Lebanon" on Sunday, September 18 2011. In a part of the world where religion is associated with hatred and violence, David explained who Jesus really is and His power to transform lives on this popular, secular TV station that is broadcast all over the Arab world.

This opportunity really was nothing short of a MIRACLE when you consider how plainly David was able to present Jesus. Who else but God could open this door for us?

Click here to see the interview for yourself!

These amazing opportunities would not have been possible without your faithful prayers and financial support! Please continue to stand with us through prayer and finances as we continue to reach and disciple the darkest corners of society with the love of Jesus!

Steiger in the Middle East: "Post-Muslim Youth"

Steiger in the Middle EastIn recent years, God has continued to open more opportunities for Steiger in the Middle East, including Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon and more.

Steiger is focused on the emerging young Muslims - many of whom have been responsible for the recent revolutions that have occurred throughout the Muslim world. These young, educated and highly influential Muslims have become increasingly engaged in the global network of communication, music, art and media. They have begun to adopt values and lifestyles quite different to their parents. Many are tired of the religiosity and oppressive nature of their background and are seeking to be recognized in the global culture.

This makes them a unique people group, which we refer to as "Post-Muslim Youth". This does not mean that all have abandoned their Muslim faith, as most do not, but they are certainly different from their parents.

It seems that the “Post-Muslim Youth” demographic is somewhat overlooked in terms of traditional missionary efforts in the Middle East. Steiger feels led to fill this hole in evangelistic outreach in the Middle East.

Steiger's leaders will be meeting in early November to pray and discuss our plans for reaching the "Post-Muslim Youth" in the Middle East, as well as our other strategies around the world. Please pray for God's direction and wisdom during those meetings!

2011 Steiger "Ruined for the Ordinary" Conference
Live the radical life God has called you to!

2011 Steiger

Join us for Steiger's 3rd Annual International Conference entitled "Ruined for the Ordinary". Don't miss this unique opportunity to be exposed to the world of Steiger International!

Saturday, November 12
Fine Line Music Café
318 First Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Conference Schedule:

9am - 2:30pm
Steiger Conference
Worship, international speakers and testimonies, opportunities for local and global engagement
Lunch provided

3pm - 6pm
Evangelistic Artists Seminar: "The Narrow Road"
Biblical principles of using music and art to share the Gospel in a relevant, yet uncompromising and bold way in the secular world.
See www.steiger.org/seminar for more information

8pm - Midnight
No Longer Music concert
Open to the public - bring your non-Christian friends!
Doors open at 8pm, music starts at 9pm
See www.nolongermusic.com for the secular website

You can attend all three events, or just one or two - it's up to you!

RSVP online at www.steiger.org/conference or call +1 413 667 3471

Radical Missionary School 2012
June 16 - August 21
Apply Now!

Steiger International Center
Krögis, Germany

Our International Center in Krögis, Germany (near Dresden) has been a hive of activity. There have been retreats, festivals, schools, workshops, exhibitions and much more over the last year.
To be able to utilise it to its fullest potential, there is still a significant amount of renovation to be done.
Are you interested in bringing a renovation team or even to come on your own? Skills needed include plumbing, electrical work, building, roofing, plastering, painting, brick laying, tilers, general workers/labourers etc. Contact us at shortterm@steiger.org

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International Newsletter November 2011
International Newsletter September 2011










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