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News, Stories and Events

International Newsletter March 2021

International Newsletter March 2021

Our Steiger City Teams are continuing to bravely share the love of Jesus despite persisting global uncertainty and lockdowns - and we are seeing an unbelievable hunger for the Gospel!

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International Newsletter February 2021

International Newsletter February 2021

Steiger launched the Provoke & Inspire Podcast five years ago, and since then it has been listened to in 7,700 cities in over 150 countries and downloaded by more than half a million people.

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International Newsletter January 2021

International Newsletter January 2021

The newly forming Steiger City Team in Colonia Tovar, Venezuela has been walking the streets of their city, covering it in prayer, and talking with whoever the Holy Spirit leads them to.

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What If This Changes Everything?

What If This Changes Everything?
Like the rest of us, I don’t know what the future holds with the current crisis we face. We watch the worrying news unraveling day by day–how the coronavirus spreads, what decisions governments are making to try to contain it, the resulting economic hit. Our way of life is being and will continue to be changed.
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International Newsletter December 2020

International Newsletter December 2020

It’s surreal to look back at what we thought 2020 was going to look like. Had it not been for the specific circumstances of this year, we likely would never have planned a North American SMS. Thankfully, God’s plans are always better than our own.

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Feeling Restless?

Feeling Restless?
We are truly curious beings. Restless actually, aren’t we? We’re not made to sit still, isolated, disinterested. We like to look for something more and ask the big questions of “why” and “how.” In fact, it’s what keeps us going - it keeps us moving forward. It’s a healthy dissatisfaction, a zest for life and what it can offer. It’s what keeps us alive, both in the most primitive and practical sense, but also in a more existential and teleological sense.
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International Newsletter November 2020

International Newsletter November 2020

Steiger North America’s new regional director, Filipe Machado, spoke these words at their Regional Gathering in Minneapolis in early October. Around fifty Steiger team members from the U.S. were there, and they were in full agreement.

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If You're Never Silent, You'll Never Hear

If You're Never Silent, You'll Never Hear
I have a very energetic four year old. He never stops talking or moving. I am continually yelling out instructions like, "Don't eat that!" "Why are you moving the couch?" "How did you get your sister up there?"
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International Newsletter October 2020

International Newsletter October 2020

Most young people today don’t so much hate God as they just don’t care. How could something so important become so insignificant in the minds of so many?

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International Newsletter September 2020

In June, during a Hope Beyond Fear outreach, the Steiger Poland team took to the streets. Early on in the day, Ania Greenwood met a girl named Wiki. Though she said she was an atheist, she agreed to let Ania pray for her.

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International Newsletter August 2020

We’re in the midst of a global pandemic, a worldwide economic crisis, and social unrest. There is no reason for hope, as an entire generation of young people are confused and fearful. 
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International Newsletter July 2020

“So many there didn’t know the love of Jesus and were crying out for a human answer to a sin problem - you could sense the hurt and anger in the air.”

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International Newsletter June 2020

We’ve grown to a mission with 100 missionaries in 20 countries around the world today!

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International Newsletter May 2020

God led me to launch the Provoke & Inspire Podcast in 2015.

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International Newsletter April 2020

Although the work God has called us to may look different during this season, the message is the same. We have hope in Jesus - hope beyond any fear!

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International Newsletter March 2020

God is on the move and working through Steiger all around the world!

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International Newsletter February 2020

If you have been supporting and following Steiger for any amount of time, you know that we love evangelism!

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International Newsletter January 2020

“When God acts, he can do more in a minute than man with his organizing can do in fifty years.” - Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Revival

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International Newsletter December 2019

The Steiger team in Sao Paulo recently hosted NomadZ, a training event focused on using music, art, and culture to mobilize the Church in effectively reaching the Global Youth Culture.

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International Newsletter November 2019

I remember when Dasha came to me saying, “I want to do this so much, but how can I?,” recalls Angela Tkachenko of Steiger Union.

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