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News, Stories and Events

Sharing Jesus at a Cynical Poetry Bar in Denver


With shaky hands, Justin walked up to the stage. 

The opportunity was months in the making. The Denver City Team had begun frequenting this poetry bar early in the year, building relationships with those they met.

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International Newsletter May 2022

“I don’t understand why I would be leaving now. I need to stay in Kyiv.”
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International Newsletter April 2022

“He hadn't talked to his sister in five years because he felt that she didn't deserve his forgiveness.”
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Steiger Ukraine Update - Developing Our Relief Efforts!


As the tragic conflict in Ukraine continues to unfold, Steiger is working hard to more effectively coordinate rescue and relief efforts, establish sustainable rhythms for our people, and make viable plans for a situation that will have countless long-term consequences.

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Steiger Ukraine Update - Relief Fund Set Up


 Steiger International’s Crisis Response Team has been working tirelessly around the clock to support not only our own City Teams in Ukraine, but thousands who have been affected by the horrific conflict in their country.

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Steiger Ukraine Update - February 25


Thanks to preparation ahead of time, our Steiger Ukraine teams were ready to act quickly once the invasion began and we are so grateful that none have been injured.

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No Longer Music is Back!

My first tour with No Longer Music was in 2008. I had been asked to play guitar - even though I’d never really played.

After a whirlwind month of preparation, we boarded a plane and many hours later we arrived in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan - the first country I ever toured in!
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International Newsletter February 2022

International Newsletter February 2022
“I was told that New Yorkers have heard everything and it wouldn’t work, but it does.”
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Back to Mongolia

Back to Mongolia

In 1991 I went on tour in Mongolia with No Longer Music. We were the first western rock band to tour Mongolia, so all of our concerts were packed out. Sheika was only 16 at the time and hid behind a curtain on the stage at one of our concerts because he didn’t have a ticket to get in.

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International Newsletter January 2022

International Newsletter January 2022
“My heart was broken for my home country, Serbia, and the Balkans region. With only a handful of Chrisitans in my entire city and no one reaching the youth, I started praying and asking God, ‘How can I change this?’”
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Just Show Up - What God Can Do with Small Steps of Obedience

Just Show Up

International Newsletter December 2021

International Newsletter December 2021
Drawing on themes of the supernatural and death associated with Halloween, Steiger teams in 112 cities and 26 countries hit the streets to share the message of Jesus with young people who would not walk into a church. God worked powerfully and stories poured in!
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International Newsletter November 2021

International Newsletter November 2021

Many of our City Teams in the Russian-Speaking World face this extra threat of arrest each time they engage in any sort of outreach. Even still, they boldly share the hope of the Gospel.

“I hurried. Started running back to the area to try to talk with the police, but when I got there, only a few guys from our team remained. The three girls had already been taken to the police station.”

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I Don't Want to Be a Professional Christian! - No Risk

I Don't Want to Be a Professional Christian! - No Risk

I’ve been in full-time ministry for over a decade, and have experienced some incredible things. I have seen people kneeling in the main square of Reykjavík, Iceland; praying to receive Jesus in Beirut, Lebanon; and responding to the Gospel in cities from Moscow to Madrid to Warsaw.

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International Newsletter October 2021

International Newsletter October 2021
The first Steiger Missions School at our International Center in Krögis, Germany in two years was amazing!
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I Don't Want to Be a Professional Christian! - No Growth

I Don't Want to Be a Professional Christian! - No Growth

When I was a teenager, my mom pulled out a school report from when I was six years old and held it up next to the one she had just received the day before. They both said the exact same thing, “Ben is a good kid, he just never stops talking!”

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I Don't Want to Be a Professional Christian! - No Reverence

I Don't Want to Be a Professional Christian! - No Reverence

Seeing the ocean for the first time is an extraordinary experience, but if you see it every day, sadly, the sense of awe diminishes. Soon, you will barely notice it at all. This applies to almost any aspect of the human experience. Repeated exposure to anything, whether oceans, mountains, or ice cream, leads to familiarity, which over time dulls our appreciation for it.

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Rule #8: Know Your Limits

Rule #8: Know Your Limits

It's critical to remember that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12)

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Rule #7: Never Lose the Friend

Rule #7: Never Lose the Friend

Growing up, I was frequently told, "Never win the argument, but lose the friend." For someone as argumentative and competitive as myself, this was good advice. Unfortunately, I didn't always follow it.

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International Newsletter September 2021

International Newsletter September 2021
To comply with Covid restrictions and regulations, six of our leaders came early from Argentina and Colombia and spent 5 days in isolation in the basement of a youth center in Berlin. They then had to be retested for Covid with a negative result.
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